Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

Cable Drums

Displays when you select any, or all of the cables in the Cable Manager and select the Cable Reports > Cable Drums option from the Cable menu. (It is also available from the right click menu.)

The left pane lists the cable types and the drums while the right side lists properties for the selected node.

Drum List Settings

Node List of Cable Type, Drum, Cable of Drum.
Cable Name Lists the name of the Cable.
Voltage Level Voltage Level of selected cable.
From Source of selected cable.
To Target of selected cable.
Length Depending on which node is selected, it lists the total Length of Cable Type selected, the length of the cable type on the selected drum and the length of the Part Length of Cable Drum, Part Length of Cable on Drum.

Property Settings

Node ID Lists the Drum ID.
Name Lists the Drum Name.
Max Length Maximum cable length on Drum.
Cable Length Calculated cable length on the drum.
Max Weight Maximum weight of drum and cable.
Weight (Drum) Weight of the drum.
Weight (Cable) Weight of cable on drum.
Weight Total weight of the drum and cable.

Exporting a Cable Drum List

When you click OK to close the Cable Drum dialog you will be prompted to save the Cable Drum List to an Excel (.xls) file:

Enter a name for the file and select a location and click Save to export the list.